Wow; I haven't posted in a while. I tried posting Sunday night and this site wasn't cooperating.
Jason and I don't see eachother much so this past weekend was a very busy, but fun one for us. Friday night was the first time we let Jasey stay with friends. Shane and Tara were so excited to watch her. My sister had a play this weekend; she was co-director and costume designer. I knew Jasey wouldn't sit through a 2 hour play, so she went to Tara & Shane's while Jason and I went to the play with my mom, grandma and great grandma. It was a very funny play and those middle schoolers did a great job!
Saturday we made a day of it and went shopping. The mall here just went through a complete remodel. It looks like an acutal mall now; food court, play area, kiosks, etc. Jasey had a great time in the play area; she really liked the crab and octopus!
My sister, Brandi, babysat Jasey Saturday night so we could have a night out. We went to Bandana's and Room 107 (a new club that just opened) for Jason's best friend, John's, surprise birthday party. We had a really good time; even if they were all cops :) My sister called around 11:30 to tell us Jasey was running a 104 temp and throwing up. It cut our night short but we had fun.
Jasey is cutting 2 bottom teeth (the bigger ones; I'm not sure what they're called) It's the first time she's had any problems. She has 8 teeth and with those 8 we never knew she was cutting them until they popped through; she was so good through them. These 2 are horrible. She's in so much pain and fussy! My poor little baby. She was burning up so we kept alternating Motrin and Tylenol plus orajel. Finally the fever broke but she wasn't in the mood to sleep. I think Jason and I had 2 hours of sleep. She was still sick Monday, so I had to call in after I finally got to sleep at 6a.m. We've had a long week; she's doing better but still hurting and a little fussy.
In all the craziness I started a new workout program with my friend Tara. We run every night at the highschool track. We're keeping each other motivated so that we can get this baby weight off. I'm really trying to stay motivated and upbeat about this. I'm going to get an IPod this weekend to keep me upbeat while running.
Have a great week and I'll post soon!
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