We very seldom ever get a weekend together as a family. This past weekend was the 1st weekend Jason had off in over a year. We were very excited and took advantage of our time together.
Friday Jasey had her 1 year check up. Her doctor loves her to death and threatens to kidnap her every time we go in for a check up. She's still under 20 lbs-19.7 to be exact (25%) she's going to be little like her daddy. That is ok with me; having struggled with my weight my whole life I hope she does take after Jason and never has to worry about it like I did. She's 29.5" long which still puts her in the 75%. She had 5 shots and did very well with them. We've been so lucky with her shots. She's never ran a fever and never kept us from getting to do things.
We went to Buffalo Wild Wings afterwards and just sat for a long time playing their trivia games and having a nice dinner. It was very relaxing for once. After dinner we went to our friends, June and Terrell's for a little bonfire. Shelley & June watched Jasey so that Jason and I could go ride 4wheelers. It was a lot of fun; we haven't had the chance to do something like that in a long time. We really enjoyed ourselves. We are old now though so by 9 we were all tired and ready for bed. We made an early night of it!
Saturday we went to look at a house. I had walked by it one night on a walk and it was very cute; well taken care of and a very cute yard with a big back patio. We met with the lady only to have our dreams crushed. It was in very bad shape in the inside and a lot smaller than we thought. The bathroom was so small it didn't even have a bathtub! We were very disapointed; we thought this was the one! I guess God just didn't have it in our cards!
After that we had to drive to Independence for my friend, Hillary's wedding shower. Jason went to one of his friends and hung out while us ladies had the shower. Jasey was not very cooperative; but what can you ask of a 1-yr-old? She wanted to get down and play and she got filthy! Her brand new ivory/plum outfit was pretty much brown! There was a little boy there probably around 2 and he was kicking a ball around. His mother just let him do it; I'm surprised none of the little ladies got kicked in the head. I wouldn't let Jasey do it; she didn't seem to think that was fair. She threw a little bit of a fit, so I took her to another room. Mommy's always the bad guy :)
After the shower we headed back to St. Joe for the circus with our friends Cody & Nichole. It made for a long day for Jasey in her carseat, but she was a good girl. She loved the circus; we had a very good time. Jasey rode a pony and loved the elephants. She was too young to ride them though. She sat through 3 hours of a circus and never made a peep. Her eyes were glued to the bright lights and outfits. Jason and I enjoyed ourselves as well. I hadn't been to a circus since our 5th Grade fieldtrip to the Shrine Circus in St. Louis. We'll definitely make the circus a tradition in our family.
It was a very busy and crazy weekend, but we had a good time. Jason has another weekend off next weekend so we're planning on spending time together at home and vegging out; maybe actually watch some of our netflix that we've had since August :)
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