Jasey's party was a lot of fun this year. We had a luau theme; even though it was cold and rainy outside. This year the weather cooperated so that our families were able to drive to Savannah. Last year we got 7" of snow in just a few hours last year :(
Here is her cake that my wonderful friend, Sarah, helped me make. I thank her for driving up from St. Louis! She made the trip and ended up hardly getting to catch up with me and instead got to decorate a cake and help set up for Jasey's party. Thank you Say--I miss you!
These were her table centerpieces:Time for some sand art....
and coloring
My wonderful family!
It just doesn't seem possible that two years ago I gave birth to this beautiful, smart, funny & amazing baby girl. Each and everyday she amazes me; whether it be with a new color, word, number or roll of the eyes. I never knew my heart could grow and love something so small and onery sooo much! I know that each and every moment I have with her is a gift and I pray to God each and everyday that I get to see her go to school, graduate, get married, have children and grandchildren. I can't imagine her not being in my life. Sometimes I think I love her SO much that I won't be able to love a second child as much as I love her. My friends with 2+ children assure me I will but I still have doubts. She is my world!!!!! I love you soooo much Jasey Lene Bell!
It was a great trip and I was so glad I got to come and share that special day with you! It was totally worth the drive and I was glad to help.