Well I swear I will get better at posting on here. I have no excuse--I'm on every day reading Erica & Amanda's. I just don't feel I can live up to their blogging--Erica is amazing at it!
Things have been very hectic at work and I hope that things will get better now. City Council approved me as their Deputy Clerk on Tuesday night. I've been with the City of Savannah now for almost 18 months and feel I'm doing well. I started out as Utility/Tax Clerk and ran for City Collector this past April. I was elected and now taking on Deputy. The Deputy spot puts me next in line for City Clerk and will keep me busy, which I like. I'll also be using more of my degree, going to clerk meetings and seminars in Tan-Tar-A; woohoo!
Jasey is growing like a weed. She's 18 months now; doesn't seem possible. She's talking so much and coming up with new words everyday. Monday was "bird" and today was "door". She's really into her "baby" now. MiMi and Papa watched her this weekend and bought her a stroller and she pushed it around everywhere. She likes to give the "baby" kisses. It's very precious. I picture her being a wonderful big sister whenver we have another.
She's in dance and really enjoying it. She loves her dance teachers-Jillian & Cyndal. I think she's a little scared of Momma leaving her, but she does well for her young age. She's learned forward & backward rolls, splits and a back bend. Her first program will be December 5 for their Christmas Pageant.
With all our little town festivals she's been in lots of baby shows. At Ethel she got 3rd; she wanted Momma and since I'm in charge of so many things at Ethel I wasn't allowed to communicate with her so that ppl didn't think it was rigged. That didn't work for her so she had a little fit. I don't blame her; she didn't understand why Momma, Aunt Brandi & MiMi were all there and ignoring her. It tore my heart out. At New Cambria she got 3rd; Bucklin 1st; LaPlata 1st & Elmer 1st & Grandprize. She's beautiful no matter what they say!
Well that's all for today. I'm going to try to get to bed before midnight. I have tons of pictures to update you with, but forgot my camera card at work--O NO!